Big Chain Store Falls Flat in Customer Service

or…. Why Small Businesses will Survive!

Store policies. Who doesn’t like store policies! I don’t! Well, they need to be set, I suppose. But when it comes to dealing with customers, they should be more of a guide.

Well, this particular store had a 14 day return policy. The item went on sale on day 12. I couldn’t find my receipt. It’s required for a return. But, I didn’t really want to return the time – I just wanted the sale price. After all, it was within 14 days. But alas, it wasn’t to be. I found my receipt in my car (which was in the shop during days 10-14). Now it was day 15. That was yesterday.

So, do I get any mercy? None. What about just getting the difference back? Nothing. Do they know me? Do they know if I’m a rewards customer or how often I purchase from that store? They didn’t care. It was store policy.

Now I know if it were me, a business owner myself, I would have bent the rule. And any small business that values it’s customers (which 99% do), would have bent the rule too.

So, I tried to call the corporate office. I got some person in another country that couldn’t understand the question. If I buy an item and the price changes, how many days do I have to get the difference back? After placing me on hold several times the answer was – whatever the store decides. Nice eh?

Now, I bought this item there because it wasn’t available at a small business locally. But, given the choice between buying from a  local small business and a local chain – what would you do?

One comment

  1. Trish

    I would shop at Lowe’s. We have a 90 day return policy…but will basically take anything back at any time if we can prove it came from our store…and sometimes even if we can’t. LOL.

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