I grew up with the Steve Jobs era, 12 years my senior. I didn’t play with Apple computers until the Mac, in college. I bought my first computer, a Radio Shack TRS-80 Model I, in 5th grade. There were no Apple dealers where I lived then. So, it took a few decades for Steve to reach my world. It was with the iPhone.
I remember Steve was a showman with his personal taste for bow ties and then turtle necks. I remember reading Sculley’s book about Steve and how harsh he was with his own staff – always trying to bring out their best in his way. Steve had no problem taking credit for any of the projects he was involved in. He was also his harshest critic.
Most of us only knew Steve Jobs through his products. And what great products they were. I think I will always learn something new about him, even though he is gone from our world.
Let’s take the best of Steve Jobs and use it to bring out the best in us. His legacy. His dream. Our loss.
Written on the iPad.