Ok, this is bad. But it’s so cool!
I was driving back from Okeechobee tonight and was in need of destressing. That means an episode of Farscape. It’s a retired scifi series. I’m on episode 21 of 88. It’s on Netflix. Ok. You’ve got the idea now!
So I used my Jabra Cruiser Bluetooth hands free car adapter clipped to my visor. I synced it to my iPhone. Then I set it to rebroadcast on FM 106.9. I set the car stereo to that station. I then started Netflix and the episode in question. Voila! I’m listening to it on my car stereo from 2006 (pre-Bluetooth).
So, they key was the Jabra. And kudos to Netflix to let me stream movies via my 3G cellular connection to the Internet.
All at 65Mph!